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How to install xposed on Lenovo k3 note vibe ui 3.0 rom

Guide to flash xposed framework on Lenovo k3 note

Q!  What is xposed installer???

Xposed Installer

This is the installer for the Xposed framework, which is a requirement for all modules.
Xposed is a framework for modules that can change the behavior of the system and apps without touching any APKs. That's great because it means that modules can work for different versions and even ROMs without any changes (as long as the original code was not changed too much). It's also easy to undo. As all changes are done in the memory, you just need to deactivate the module and reboot to get your original system back. There are many other advantages, but here is just one more: Multiple modules can do changes to the same part of the system or app. With modified APKs, you to decide for one. No way to combine them, unless the author builds multiple APKs with different combinations.

Officially xposed don't support 64bit devices 
Lenovo k3 note comes with 64 bit architecture  for me it's very hard to get xposed on my killer note (k50a40)

But after working hard i got xposed on my killer note
So I'm sharing a guide to get xposed to your k3

Flash twrp

 Download theses files
For Android
Goto twrp
By perssing vol- vol+ power button at same time
Install  zip file you downloaded from above link
After installation reboot your system

If your fone stuck at boot  don't panic
Just remove your battery after 10 minutes

When k3 boots normally
Install the apk you downloaded
Now enjoy 
Xposed on your killernote


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